Jesus & Politics
Jesus & Politics
Bunni's full story of walking with God in politics is out now from Charisma House (Frontline) - Released February 6th.
Order 1, 5, or 10 copies today for your family and friends.
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Book Launch Interview
Check out this exclusive interview on the book, Jesus & Politics, written by Bunni Pounds, featuring special guest, Corey Russell. Together, they explore the fascinating journey behind Jesus & Politics and how it all began.
Bunni's Book Club
Bunni's Book Club
Episode 1 of Bunni's Book Club
Watch all 4 episodes of Bunni's Book Club, discussing Bunni Pounds' book, 'Jesus and Politics: One Woman's Walk with God in a Mudslinging Profession'
Overview of Jesus and Politics from Frontline Books/Charisma House
The Christian life isn’t about doing things the easy way—it’s about living as Christ even in a hostile environment.
After reading this book, you will understand how God wants to use Christians to change the world and how you can walk with the Holy Spirit no matter what call He places on your life.
Using her sixteen-year political career as a backdrop, Bunni Pounds gives readers practical tools for discipling a nation one heart at a time and living the Christian life extravagantly, even in a hostile environment. In Jesus and Politics, Pounds lays out the importance of Christians engaging in politics, government, and other spheres of influence to impact systems and individuals.
Sharing her divine appointments and unlikely interactions with prominent figures, Pounds gives readers a front-row seat to:
Witness the power of prayer as she supported a congressman through a terminal cancer diagnosis during a national campaign.
Discover how a word from God on an airplane shifted a lawmaker into a new, more influential prominent position.
Learn how she set her heart free from bitterness and unforgiveness after a million-dollar congressional race by paying off her opponent's debt.
See how a dream about a congressman from the other side of the political aisle led to an ongoing ministry relationship that has transcended their political differences.
But this is more than a book of stories. Jesus and Politics is a book about Jesus that equips readers to:
Cultivate intimacy with Jesus, even in a hostile culture and amid life's pressures.
Effectively share the gospel, disciple others, and stand up for truth in various settings.
Engage in politics and various spheres of government to protect liberty in America.
Reminding readers that our liberty requires our participation, Jesus and Politics is an indispensable resource for those seeking to make a lasting impact for Christ and embark on a transformative journey to live out their destiny, preserve America, and make a difference for eternity.
About the Book From Bunni
"This book is about government, politics, and campaigns, but mostly it is about Jesus. It is about living the Christian life extravagantly, even in a hostile environment. This is what you need to know about me - I am a missionary to America. Jesus is the only answer for our broken lives, families, and nation. Above everything else, I hope you find Jesus in this book. If God can use an ordinary girl like me with a political resumé for His glory, then He can use anyone."
- Bunni Pounds
What Others are Saying
From his foreword in 'Jesus & Politics'
"I believe Bunni lost her race for Congress because God had bigger plans for her—to make a difference within the body of Christ, to wake us up, and to get us all moving in the same direction so we can help save freedom in the United States of America. I know as you read her story, you will be encouraged to live the rest of your life for Jesus and our heavenly Father, making a kingdom impact for the glory of God and the future of freedom."
From her afterword in 'Jesus and Politics'
"I am so proud to walk beside Bunni as she educates Christians on how to pray for America, the importance of voting in every election, and how they can practically engage in their civic duties and with government from a biblical viewpoint.....She stepped out humbly after a time of brokenness and said, “Jesus, use me!” As a result, Christians Engaged is filling a huge hole in the body of Christ. Her story should inspire us all to walk daily with Jesus and disciple the nation one elected official or neighbor at a time."
What Others are Saying
Too many Christians believe that people in politics are distasteful and dirty. Some are, and that is precisely why we need more God-fearing people to take a leap of faith and engage in politics and public service. Bunni Pounds stepped out in faith with Christians Engaged. Now she is sharing her story with the rest of the nation. Her plan is to get believers to pray, vote, and engage—all of which are more important than ever before in our history.
— The Honorable Scott Walker: Former Governor of Wisconsin; President, Young America’s Foundation
Bunni Pounds is one of my newest heroes in this nation. Not only has she been salt and light in the political field for sixteen years and taken on the IRS to protect every Christian ministry, but she understands the importance of the body of Christ. She knows the church is the only answer for every ill in our land and wants to see every Christian reach their potential in God. Jesus and Politics will inspire you to walk with Jesus and impact America.
— Dr. Robert Jeffress: Senior Pastor, First Baptist Dallas; Bible Teacher, Pathway to Victory
I endorsed Bunni in her eight-person primary because I saw a woman who was unafraid, solidly conservative, and passionately in love with Jesus. As someone who has worked here for over a decade now, it is hard in Washington, DC. Anyone who has ever been elected will tell you that the election is just the beginning. We need God in our lives as elected officials, and Bunni is stirring up Christians all over this nation to pray for their elected officials and nation, to vote in every election, and to engage in civic involvement. Jesus and Politics will transform your life if you let it. If every Christian in America prayed, voted, and engaged, we would have a different world.
— The Honorable Mark Meadows: Former Member of Congress (R-NC); Former Chair, House. Freedom Caucus; Former Chief of Staff to President Donald J. Trump
Bunni Pounds inspires through her personal story from the front lines of American politics. She consistently calls us to humble ourselves and pray and to every day turn from our selfish ways, take up our cross, and follow Jesus. The motto of the United States of America is “In God We Trust.” Bunni encourages us through her captivating and charming mission to turn to God both individually and as a nation.
— Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R–WA): Former Chair, House Republican Conference; Chair, House, Energy and Commerce Committee
When I served in the US Congress, Bunni Pounds was one of my most important and trusted aides, not to mention dearest friends. I can attest that she is a woman of integrity in every realm and has a deep burning passion for God, her family, and our great nation. Very few people I have ever met fight for faith, family, and freedom like this woman does. I simply know of no one better to help grow a movement of Christians who can positively impact the governance of America for generations to come.
— The Honorable Jeb Hensarling (R–TX): Former Member of Congress (R-TX); Former Chairman, House Republican Conference and House Financial Services Committee
The simple truth is that Bunni Pounds is a leader. Her story will rejuvenate your spirit and rekindle hope for our country!
— State Rep. Matt Schaefer (R–TX): National Advisory Board Member, Christians Engaged
Bunni Pounds is unstoppable, mainly because she is following Jesus, but also because that is how He made her. She will have a great impact on this country, and her story is a must read. So many people of faith run from politics. Don’t. Bunni’s story should help every believer understand that representing Christ in every area of our life, including government, is both a stewardship responsibility and an incredible opportunity to impact the lives of others and our nation.
— Kelly Shackelford: President/CEO, First Liberty Institute; National Advisory Board Member, Christians Engaged
Our culture has lost its way, and the rapidity of the transformational destruction of many of our cherished institutions has been shocking. We assumed our leaders would do the right thing, but most did not. We are now beginning to wake up and reengage. In Jesus and Politics, Bunni Pounds, who has been actively involved in the civil arena for decades, empowers this generation to live out their faith and transform a culture that has lost its way.
— David Barton: Author, Historian; Founder, WallBuilders
When I heard about how the IRS had denied the tax exemption status for Christians Engaged, I was floored, so I reached out to Bunni. What I found was a woman who was bringing her skills and political background to the table to help the church impact America for the long term. Bunni is not just a former political consultant and candidate, she is an intercessor and a voice for this generation who wants to inspire everyone to walk with Jesus. Jesus and Politics is the book we all need now to help us walk more with Jesus in a hostile culture. I believe it is going to impact hearts for years to come.
— Dave Kubal: President and CEO, Intercessors for America; National Advisory Board member, Christians Engaged
Bunni Pounds is a well-known Christian leader and former political consultant who advocated for families and life throughout her political career. She is 100 percent correct that walking with God as a woman fully surrendered to Jesus is the key to standing firm for our beliefs with both dignity and grace.
— Penny Nance: President, Concerned Women for America
Bunni Pounds has let God transform her life in the place of prayer. This woman is an intercessor, disciple maker, and preacher of the gospel. I have been honored to be a part of her life and watch how God has used her obedience during her race for Congress and now even more as she wakes up the church around this nation through Christians Engaged, a cutting-edge ministry that is bringing the body of Christ together like few others. If you want your heart to burn and to be awakened, read Bunni’s story and let the power of walking with God transform your life.
— Corey Russell: Intercessor, Author, and Speaker
Very few people understand the ministry world and the political world like Bunni Pounds. Bunni knows the Word of God and has walked with Christians from all denominations for years. Not only that, she also thoroughly understands how government works at every level. Our family has had the opportunity to walk with Bunni through the years, and we’ve seen the consistent fruit of her life and ministry. Christians need to walk in government as real Christians—Bunni shows us how in Jesus and Politics.
—The Honorable Matt Krause (R–TX): Former Member of the Texas House of Representatives (R-TX); Of Counsel, First Liberty Institute; Distinguished Senior Fellow, Texas Public Policy Foundation
As a pastor, I must be honest that I have struggled with the convergence of the kingdom of God and American politics, but I think we can all agree that every Christian should be praying (we do that a lot in the UPPERROOM church culture), every believer should love their neighbors by electing righteous people (thank God for the Founding Fathers, who gave us that freedom), and every believer should engage outside the walls of our churches (we call that the “in and out lifestyle”). Bunni Pounds’ book, Jesus and Politics, lays out for all of us how we can be intercessors, disciplers, prophetic voices, and good stewards of our relationships wherever we go. I highly encourage you to read Jesus and Politics.
— Pastor Michael Miller: Founder and Senior Leader, Upperroom Dallas and Upperroom Global
Boldness, truth, grace, and the presence of the Holy Spirit are evident in everything Bunni Pounds does. In a time when pastors and churches are scared to speak, Bunni and the team she has built speak the truth in love. We don’t have time to waste! Every Christian needs to be involved in the cause of liberty. Christians Engaged is a simple blueprint to do that every day of our lives—pray, vote, and engage. Together we can impact America!
— Rev. Rafael Cruz: International Minister; Father of U.S. Senator Ted Cruz; National Advisory Board Member, Christians Engaged
The joy and fire of God that follow Bunni Pounds wherever she goes is an honor to endorse. Whether she is on the streets leading a Time to Revive team in evangelism or sitting with an elected official, she is the same person. This book is the story of a life lived out in obedience to Jesus, and it will inspire Christians to live fully for God for decades to come. I love how God is using Bunni and Christians Engaged all around this nation to awaken the church for its well-being, but more importantly to inspire us all to live our lives as offerings poured out to His feet in radical obedience. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the only answer for our nation, and Bunni understands that to her core.
— Kyle Lance Martin: Founder, Time to Revive; National Advisory Board Member, Christians Engaged
What our nation needs right now are people who are not only engaged in the culture but also watchmen and watchwomen who are in love with Jesus. Our mission to reach the world and protect the children has to go beyond political activism—we have to know Him, raise our families to know Him, and spend time in His presence. In her book Jesus and Politics, Bunni shows us how to walk in intimacy with Jesus even as we engage in cultural activism. It is a much needed modern-day manual for Christians. I would stand and lock arms with Bunni Pounds any day of the week. Grab her book today!
— Elizabeth Johnston: Mother of ten, Author, Podcaster, Blogger
Since the time she was a homeschooling mom and an adult student here at Dallas Baptist University, Bunni Pounds has lived with a humble heart and let God move her into places of influence that she could never have imagined. Jesus and Politics is that powerful story and an example for us all as we walk our paths. It is the mission of DBU to produce servant leaders, and Bunni Pounds is living out her life as a servant leader. Servant leadership should be demonstrated in every career path as we intentionally follow Jesus daily and to live according to His Word.
— Dr. Gary Cook: Chancellor, Dallas Baptist University
I have known and walked with Bunni Pounds for years in the political movements, and there is no one better I know to lead an army of Christians and activate them to pray, vote, and engage. Her story and the truths she lays out on how to walk with Jesus in these spaces are priceless. Every dollar you spend on this book will be an investment into your discipleship and your personal impact for America.
— The Honorable Scott Turner (R–TX): Associate Pastor, Prestonwood Baptist Church; Former Member, Texas House of Representatives (R-TX); Former Executive Director, White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council; National Advisory Board Member, Christians Engaged
Bunni Pounds shares her life story as an instructional example of a political calling by a true believer. How do you reconcile a deep personal faith with the worldliness of politics? It takes an understanding of the Scripture and a recognition that politics is a mission field. Every Christian should be engaged, and this book explains why and how. Bunni brings her experience to bear to encourage and inspire us.
— Kevin D. Freeman, CFA: Host, Economic War Room with Kevin Freeman (BlazeTV); National Advisory Board Member, Christians Engaged
Jesus and Politics is a book about politics, powerful relationships, a lifestyle of prayer, and most importantly the power of the Holy Spirit. As American Christians we have a responsibility to stand up for truth, but we must watch our souls and walk with Jesus as we do it. Bunni’s story is a creative narrative of her journey that will teach us along the way how to be better citizens and children of God.
— The Honorable Marilyn Musgrave (R–CO): Former Member of Congress (R-CO); Vice President of Government Affairs, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America
Bunni Pounds, who just so happened to listen to the Point of View radio program when she was young, is now leading a movement of Christians to pray, vote, and engage. She is also teaching citizens how to understand and apply a biblical worldview on the issues. This book helps you understand politics, government, and political campaigns. But mostly this book is about Jesus and how to be a good citizen in the twenty-first century.
— Kerby Anderson: Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show
Prayer. Politics. How do those go together? In God’s heart for justice, they both go together; but we have a responsibility in the body of Christ to do works of justice on God’s terms. Bunni Pounds shows us through her sixteen years in the governmental trenches how to walk out the truth of the gospel with the heart of Jesus.
— Stuart Greaves: Executive Director, International House of Prayer, Kansas City; Author, False Justice
Can Christians serve in the political arena without becoming tainted themselves? Can we enter into this hate-filled, volatile arena without becoming hateful ourselves? Can we be thoroughly engaged with the affairs of this while still maintaining intimacy with God? In this book filled with candid conversations and eye-opening anecdotes, Bunni Pounds takes on these complex questions, showing us that, yes, all this can be done, and even more importantly, it must be done.
— Dr. Michael L. Brown: Host, Line of Fire Radio Broadcast; Author, The Political Seduction of the Church
Bunni Pounds is a bundle of energy who loves to dig into the Word of God and knows how to motivate us to be light in the midst of darkness. Like never before, we need to know the Word of God and give the truth of God to hurting people. This unique book helps us learn how to navigate the political world while being grounded by the spiritual world to make the greatest impact possible.
— June Hunt: Founder and Chief Servant Officer, Hope for the Heart and The Hope Center
The message of Jesus is often maligned when well-meaning Christians mix politics and faith too carelessly. That’s why I was thrilled to learn that Bunni Pounds had written this thoughtful book. She has experience in the political arena and plenty of raw courage too. But her close relationship with the Lord tempers her words and actions. With a firm but delicate hand she calls us to influence our culture for Christ without ruining our witness. Read this book carefully, repent if you need to, and be the salt and light that our culture needs!
— J. Lee Grady: Former Editor, Charisma Magazine; Director, The Mordecai Project
Throughout the pages of this book, Bunni Pounds uniquely intertwines her deep and genuine faith, her personal life experiences, and her substantive knowledge to give the reader provoking thoughts and insights to consider and process. Like Zephaniah, who addressed the reform of Josiah in 622 BC, Bunni understands that for any lasting reforms or change, there must be the exposure of the inward issues of the heart. She understands that we must first pray and then engage if we want to see God’s redemptive purposes and plans for our nation and our generation. Regardless of your personal or political preferences, I believe you will find this book insightful, intriguing, and informative.
— Doug Stringer: Founder and President, Somebody Cares International
News flash: Washington, DC, will not save America! John Adams warned us that “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” In spite of this, too many Christians have allowed the lies, intimidation, or even just the busyness of life to keep us from being the salt and light God calls us to be. And our nation—and the world—is suffering because of it. Christians Engaged was created not only to encourage every believer to pray, vote, and engage, but also to empower people of faith with the tools and knowledge necessary to be an effective influence while maintaining a witness that honors God. The moment I met Bunni, shortly after her race for Congress, I knew we were supposed to work together. It has been exciting to watch what started out as a campaign working relationship grow into a ministry that is impacting our nation. My wife, Rosel, and I are honored to work with Bunni and know her as a true friend. We recommend you read this book, as she empowers us all to know God more and to disciple a nation. If we walk with God every day, together we can impact America.
— Rep. Michael Cloud (R–TX): Member, House Appropriations Committee; National Advisory Board Member, Christians Engaged
Jesus and Politics uses Bunni’s personal experiences to illustrate the critical necessity of Christians walking out their faith in every area of life, including how we treat our neighbor and form our society. All of us should be Christians who know Jesus intimately and know how to navigate our civic duties. Be inspired by Bunni’s story in this book, and then let’s get to work to protect liberty together.
— The Honorable Rick Green: Former Texas House of Representatives (R-TX); America’s Constitution Coach; Founder, Patriot Academy and Biblical Citizenship
My friend Bunni Pounds fought the IRS to protect people of faith—and she won! That is the kind of courage our country needs to combat the tyranny of weaponized government, and I am honored to have been a small part of it. Her book is a timely call to mobilize and inspire an army of Christians to ensure we enjoy the God-given liberty to pursue happiness and advance the kingdom.
— Congressman Chip Roy (R-TX): Member, House Judiciary, Rules, and Budget Committees
This book is for any believer who feels called to government or politics, but also every believer who wants to walk with God more. Bunni’s experience at multiple levels of politics and government, and her example of listening for the Lord’s voice and following Him, will encourage all of us to make our lives count and to focus on the things that really matter.
— State Senator Bryan Hughes (R-TX)
We read in Scripture that during the time of King Saul, there were no blacksmiths in the land of Israel (1 Sam. 13:19-22). Only Saul and his son, Jonathan, had swords and spears. The Philistines would not allow the Israelites to have weapons nor allow any practicing blacksmiths in the land—keeping the people of God in slavery. We need spiritual blacksmiths in our land today—not only in our local churches but in our nation as a whole to reshape its culture. We need influencers like Bunni Pounds, who can reform the ranks of government, business, education, and the media. Bunni is a gifted crafter, and God is using her to reshape men and women for His service. The battle is too great for Sauls and Jonathans to handle alone. Her book Jesus and Politics is truly an eye-opener to how God has molded her into a strategic and effective leader in these United States. I urge you to help Bunni redeem free America.
— Dennis G. Lindsay, DMin: President/CEO, Christ For The Nations
Jesus & Politics
Bunni's full story of walking with God in politics is out now from Charisma House (Frontline) - Released February 6, 2024.
Order 1, 5, or 10 copies today for your family and friends.